Monday, December 18, 2006

House xmas, disaster blasters and two days to go!

Yesterday myself and my housemates decided to have an early xmas in light of my departure on Wednesday. It was a great afternoon with enough food to feed an army, nice presents (cos it's not christmas without pressies), and (of course) plenty of booze!

I have a lovely new drink recipe for you to try if you like fruity drinks. I call it the Disaster Blaster, but Kath calls it GoGo Juice. At the super market here you can buy 3 litre cans of "party punch" mix, but this can be substituted with a mix of punchy fruit juices such as pineapple, apple or orange. Anywho... To every litre of juice or punch mix add 350 mls of sparkling white wine (the cheaper and trashier the better. For those who know what Passion Pop is, use that), 3 shots of Absolute Peach vodka, 1 shot of Bacardi rum, and a few hundred mls of lemonade to taste. Makes for a very drinkable summery punch.

Of course I recommend that you drink only in moderation (do as I say, not as I do kids), as the only reason that I drank this blend to excess last night was to scientifically assess the hangover causing capacity of this exciting drink (and to get pissed). Surprisingly I'm feeling only a little dehydrated this morning. No headache and no tummy upset.

Only two days to go until I'm back with my man in our tropical paradise. I'm pretty much packed and very ready to go, just sitting here wishing that time would pass faster. Why doesn't time fly when you want it to?

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Mohammed is going to the mountain....

This post is dedicated to the wonderful Dave, aka Utenzi, who actually notices and gives a crap when I disappear and leaves nice little comments asking where I am. Cheers Dave!

Before I share some good news with you I would like to issue a warning to all of you who use clingwrap that comes in boxes with the serrated metal strip attached... These metal strips may appear harmless, but really they are spiteful and dangerous things that wait until you're packing up your dinner leftovers late at night and then they sink their sharp little teeth deep into your wrist and tear a huge chunk of flesh out. Yes, that's right kids... Being the unco-ordinated fool that I am, I managed to damage myself with a pack of Glad Wrap! So please heed this warning and do not leave you friends and loved ones unattended with this evil form of packaging.

As for good news and the Mohammed and the mountain thing... I'm heading back to Vanuatu next week for 5 weeks with my gorgeous man! We'll be going out to the island that he comes from and i'll get to meet his parents for the first time and we'll be spending our anniversary together!!! I'll also be looking for jobs over there, so next year your favourite blogger might be blogging from Vanuatu!!!

I promise to post again before I leave. :o)