Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Mohammed is going to the mountain....

This post is dedicated to the wonderful Dave, aka Utenzi, who actually notices and gives a crap when I disappear and leaves nice little comments asking where I am. Cheers Dave!

Before I share some good news with you I would like to issue a warning to all of you who use clingwrap that comes in boxes with the serrated metal strip attached... These metal strips may appear harmless, but really they are spiteful and dangerous things that wait until you're packing up your dinner leftovers late at night and then they sink their sharp little teeth deep into your wrist and tear a huge chunk of flesh out. Yes, that's right kids... Being the unco-ordinated fool that I am, I managed to damage myself with a pack of Glad Wrap! So please heed this warning and do not leave you friends and loved ones unattended with this evil form of packaging.

As for good news and the Mohammed and the mountain thing... I'm heading back to Vanuatu next week for 5 weeks with my gorgeous man! We'll be going out to the island that he comes from and i'll get to meet his parents for the first time and we'll be spending our anniversary together!!! I'll also be looking for jobs over there, so next year your favourite blogger might be blogging from Vanuatu!!!

I promise to post again before I leave. :o)


At 2:24 am, Blogger utenzi said...

Is that the faint sound of wedding bells that I hear in the distance, Yaeli? Such a sweet sound, though of course I'll miss you.

It's really terrible that you've had to go so long without seeing him due to the rather unfair dictates of Australia's immigration officials, Yaeli. But 5 weeks will give the two of you a lot of time to get reaquainted. Cheers!

BTW, be careful with those plastic wrap boxes. They can be vicious. ;-)

At 6:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Yaeli! That's sooo great! Sounds like you've found true joy and happiness. You so deserve it.

And, I agree... Dave is awesome!! ;)

At 2:54 am, Blogger utenzi said...

*blush* Awwwwwww....

At 2:45 pm, Blogger Prego said...

nice to see you recovering nicely from your accident. it's also good to have you back on the blog saddle.


here via michele today

At 3:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog via Micheles! I'm a generally clumsy person & have been known to do some serious damage to myself with that same serrated edge on the cling wrap! Have fun on your trip.

At 9:05 pm, Blogger Michael K. Althouse said...

Hi Yaeli,

Blogger has been giving many of us fits of late. Therefore, I was surprised and happy to see a comment from anyone.

As for your Glad Wrap warning... headed!


At 9:11 pm, Blogger Michael K. Althouse said...

Hi Yaeli,

Blogger has been giving many of us fits of late. Therefore, I was surprised and happy to see a comment from anyone.

As for your Glad Wrap warning... headed!


At 9:16 pm, Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said...

Wow! I''ve only had one reader from Vanatu before, but it seems like I may be having a lot more.

Michele sent me here.

At 9:16 pm, Blogger Olyal said...

Poo to Blogger then!!! I'm still avoiding beta like the plague cos I'm worried it'll stuff up what I've got!

At 10:49 pm, Blogger rashbre said...

Good you are back in the world of the blog. Vanuatu sounds intriguing and full of new possibilities.

In the UK we don't have metal cutters on those boxes, they've perfected a sort of wibbly cardboard edge which somehow works but is less dangerous.

Otherwise a box of clingfilm would be like a sword!

At 11:36 pm, Blogger utenzi said...

Michele sent me over, Yaeli.

Hmmm. Maybe time for a new post, love? LOL I hope that your little parts are healing quickly from that nasty strip of metal. Do those manufacturers know how much damage they do to people's fingers? The sum total of flesh shredded by those things must be ghastly! Poor Yaeli (and her fingers)


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