Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I'm going back!

Yes kids! It's really happening!!! On Saturday I'm heading back to the beautiful land of Vanuatu... and my handsome boyfriend who I have been missing so much!

I'll be free to eat island food from banana leaves (the world's best disposable plates) while sitting on the ground in the company of my friends and "family".

Free to roam the wonderous market place in Port Vila hunting and gathering the epitome of organic fruits and vegetables for my meals.

And free to snuggle up to the most handsome, gentle and loving soul I know. I'm hanging out for that first cuddle at the airport. :o)

But, before you panic, my trip will only last 10 days and then I'll come back to the real world for another two months of study and hard work to try and earn enough money for me to go back again in July. :o)

Gonna have to squash a whole lotta loving into 10 days...