Friday, September 02, 2005

Good morning starshine... the earth says hello!

I'm wagging uni today. I woke up this morning and just couldn't be bothered going to my 9am class... so I didn't. Problem solved!!!

I went to the movies last night to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (which just opened yesterday in Oz, we're a little behind the rest of the world). I absolutely loved it! Where would the world be without Johnny Depp!!!

I've just had a brain fart and can't think of anything else to write, so I'll probably post again later today. I am so boring! :o)


At 5:19 pm, Blogger utenzi said...

Hello from Michele's site, Yaeli.

Johnny Depp is great. My girlfriend can watch him all day long. I try to stay calm and not get jealous! LOL I'm not sure which movie of his is my favorite but I really liked Pirates despite the oddness of the role for him.

At 5:30 pm, Blogger Olyal said...

Do you have a man crush on Johnny Depp?

At 1:06 am, Blogger dena said...

I loved the movie too! It was magical. I love a movie that both me and my four year old can watch with total enjoyment.

visiting from michele's


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