Monday, August 29, 2005

Stupid Arsehole Spammers!!!

Thanks to arsehole spammers leaving crap comments on my blog I have now turned on the word verification option to stop them.

I got so excitied thinking that 15 people loved me, and then when I checked my comments half of the 15 were crap spam about dumb shit. This must be the new spamming craze. Stoopid fuckers.

All spammers should be shot!

BTW: A big shout out to all those lovely people who have been visiting my blog and leaving legitimate comments... You guys rock!


At 11:51 am, Blogger carmilevy said...

Hi there, Yaeli. I thought I'd mosey on over from Michele's and thank you for saying hi on my blog.

I like your writing style: it's refreshing, and I find myself smiling as I read through your blog entries. Sounds like you're having fun down under. Your patients are lucky to have you watching over them.

I couldn't agree with you more about comment spammers. I just turned on the new verification feature as well, because they suddenly began to infest my blog with stupid-assed comments. Depressing, but then again, morons like them always manage to ruin a good thing for the rest of us.

I'll be back...

At 12:11 pm, Blogger Tammy said...

I think it's great that Blogger has come up with the word verification thingie. I switched from MovableType (which I loved) to WordPress (which I'm learning to love!) because of the spam.

I'm visiting tonight via Michele...going to read some more...I think I found a new goodie to blogroll!

At 12:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eww, spammers. I hate 'em. I don't see why they feel compelled to spam still--most blogging software now blocks their links from effecting the google pagerank (which was what they were trying to do--drive up their pagerank) So why don't they leave us alone now? Sheesh.

I'm here via Michele (even though I'm out of sequence in the game) Just had to see what your blog was like :) Nice blog.

At 12:16 pm, Blogger Olyal said...

Oohhh Moonbatty... Pagerank? What the? That is far too technical for my liking!!! All I know is that they are crapheads.

At 12:33 pm, Blogger yellojkt said...

Thanks for coming by yaeli. I wrote a post awhile back about the random hit and runs I call blogstorms. This is when I get spammed the worst. It seems the bots just pick on the sites being plugged.
I haven't got a blogstorm in a while, hence no recent spam. I think the deterent value of the word verification will stop it pretty soon.
If not I will turn on word verification, but I prefer not to put people through the hassle if I don't have to.

At 12:39 pm, Blogger carmilevy said...

Wow, you have a great site. I couldn't agree more.

Grow your member by visiting my site, Free gifts for the ladies!

Sorry, I couldn't resist poking a little fun at the spammers. I think they should all be shot. I'm still on the fence about word verification: I hate making legitimate visitors to my site jump through hoops, but the volume of comment spam makes it a virtual necessity, as I simply don't have the time to delete it all, and don't want to have the garbage exposed on the site until I have a chance to do so.

Sigh, they always win, don't they?

At 1:15 pm, Blogger Kimberly said...

Sorry about the spammers. I think that is a nasty thing going around. Hope you had a great weekend:)

At 12:03 pm, Blogger Star said...

Love the Penguin Waffle thing! Really don't care for the verification thing but I understand the need.

At 1:05 pm, Blogger Lucy Stern said...

Yes, I had to turn on the word verification too. I wonder what they will do next to get under my skin.


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