Thursday, September 15, 2005

I have become a total television whore... and I kinda like it!

When I heard about Foxtel's "Rockstar:INXS" show that began a few months ago, I swore I would never watch it. As an Australian and a long time INXS fan I honestly believe that the band is selling out by using a reality TV show to try to replace the remarkably talented (and very dead) Michael Hutchence. For 9 whole weeks I managed to avoid the prostitution of one of Australia's (and the world's) greatest bands... That is until last week.

I was stuck at home last Wednesday evening waiting for NCIS to start at 9:30 and I was channel surfing when I stumbled across Marty's performance of his song "Trees" on Rockstar. I now have a bit of a crush on Marty. He's not all that good looking, and he definitely needs a decent feed (he is so skinny!!!!) but his performance totally blew my skirt up and turned me on!!! So much so in fact, (wait for it, my shame rating gets even higher now) that I tuned in at 8:30 last night and watched the whole show... and then I tuned in again for the rerun at 11:30!! *Squeals and hides face in shame!*

As much as Marty turns me on though I would love to see Mig Ayesa (the Aussie boy) front the Aussie band!!

*Stoopid side note: Mig used to play the bad landlord on the kids TV show "The Ferals", a show about a rat, a cat, a rabbit and a really dumb dog who all live in a dump and are looked after by people who live in the house nextdoor.

Go Marty! - 'cos he turns me on.
Go Mig!! - 'cos he's an Aussie!

"Babe it's you and me up in the tree, and the forest will give us the answers.
And it's you and I up in the sky, it's a recipe for disaster."
*Yaeli hangs her head in shame at the realisation that she is a total reality TV whore.*
I have taken today off uni to write a 2000 word essay on depression for my mental health subject. Does anyone want to do it for me? It is now 12:30 (lunchtime!!!) and I still haven't written a word. I am the Queen of procrastination!!!


At 4:17 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe... I'm trying *so* hard not to get into tv shows this season, but I'm going to have a hard time with "Medium", my favourite show. Now, I'm kinda wishing I didn't buy that 42" plasma now!

I feel your pain!

At 4:22 pm, Blogger Shannon said...

Hi - Michele sent me! I burst into laughter at your post - I, too, just starting watching RS:INXS last week. And I, too, got just a little flushed over Marty's "Trees!" Long Live Reality TV!

At 4:46 pm, Blogger Angie said...

Nah nah nah nah nah nah...made you watch! :)

I rooted for Mig at first, now I don't know who to root for. I don't like JD at all, but he has the sound they are looking for. I love "Trees" too.

At 7:26 pm, Blogger Olyal said...

It is 6:30pm and still no movement on the essay...

At 8:10 pm, Blogger utenzi said...

All hail the Queen! I linked you to my blog today, Yaeli. I'm such a flirt!

At 8:41 pm, Blogger carmilevy said...

Don't feel bad about it: you're human, and we all need to be entertained in some way. I go through addictive-TV jags as well, and I'm frankly too embarrassed to admit what I like to watch when I do. So good on you for having the courage to share it with us.

If I had an idea in my brain, I'd help you write. But I'm struggling with my own ideas this morning (it's before dawn here, and I've got a meeting in a few hours...and the ideas page is still blank!)

At 11:52 am, Blogger dena said...

I just started watching too, and I'm right there with you.

At 1:33 pm, Blogger Twisted Cinderella said...

I am going through a period of tv addiction too. I find that the beginning of a new season does me in. I start with good intentions to try all these new shows and end up only watching the ones I always liked anyway. Gotta love reality tv!

At 11:40 pm, Blogger Bec said...

Hi again Yaeli, wasn't Mig also once an occupant of the Wags the Dog costume for the Wiggles?
Had to comment again because I just realised you're Australian! Happy parochial Wednesday greetings to you.


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