Holiday... Celebrate...
Exams are all over! (Thank god.) And now it's time for me to party down and live the lazy life that was intended for me!!! Woohoo!I hate work, so I told them that I couldn't go in today because my downstairs had flooded with all the rain and I had to wait for a repair man. This now means that I can have lunch with Bear and spend my day being lazy and doing useless things, rather than wiping old people's dirty arses.
I have applied to do a 10 week volunteer program at the end of the year in Vanuatu (, and on Saturday I had to attend a selection day to show the evaluators what an appropriate candidate I am! After spending 8 or 9 hours in the rain, I did a "job style" interview and I got the impression that they quite liked me. So hopefully I'll be getting a phone call in the next week or so to say that they want me, and then I'll be asking everyone for money to raise the funds I need to cover a portion of the trip. (And yes, I am supposed to fundraise a certain amount of money, I'm not just being a tight arse.)
The sooner I get the nod, also means the sooner I will be able to take advantage of the big Kathmandu sale that's on at the moment. I'll be able to get my pack and stuff half price! I love a good bargain.
Decision of the week: I'm not going to deal with other people's shit. It just ain't my problem.
How considerate of you!!! Your presents are so much fun!!!
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