Monday, February 20, 2006

Seeking your sympathy again...


Tuns out my little throat and ear infection is a bit more complicated than we thought. After 3 days on a broad spectrum antibiotic my condition only got worse. So this morning Doctor Dad went and gotme some new, more specific antibiotics. All very well and good except that after 24 hours they too have had not had any effect. The pain in my face is so bad that it hurts to put my face down on the pillow. I can't swallow or talk (Oh my god," the masses cry. "She can't talk!") without getting big pain in my throat and ear, and the right side of my face is sore as all get out. I can't sleep from the pain and haven't slept properly for the last four nights. Pain killers don't do shit, which is why I'm blogging at 2:45am.

It now appears that I may have a form of tonsilitis rather than the simple throat and ear infection that the doctor so sweetly diagnosed on Friday. Oops.

Hopefully, using Doctor Dad's connections, I'll be able to get in to see an ENT tomorrow. I still have my tonsils... maybe it's time to get rid of them.

And to make matters worse I miss my boyfriend. The person who has supported me everytime things got rough over the last 3 months, is in Vanuatu sleeping soundly (I hope) as I share my pain with people in computer land.

It's very lonely when you're sick and sore at 2am and the person that you love is out of reach. :o(

Thank you for reading my whinge. You will be returned to your usual scheduled programming tomorrow.


At 3:19 am, Blogger carmilevy said...

No worries, Yaeli. You can whinge all you want and we'll be happy to read ya.

We just want you to get better soon - and for the distance between you and yours to close up so you don't have to go through this alone.

At 3:29 am, Blogger carmilevy said...

BTW, thanks for the offer of transferred heat. I may just take you up on it. Now THAT would be a neat technological trick!

At 3:32 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that sounds like a real bad time, I hope you feel well soon~!

At 3:48 am, Blogger The Mistress of the Dark said...

Feel better soon. I know the pain. I used to get tonsilitious all the time.

Here via Michele's

At 4:02 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

take 2 tylenol and call me in the morning

At 4:11 am, Blogger dena said...

I hope you're feeling better soon...that whole tonsilitis thing is very painful.

At 4:23 am, Blogger rashbre said...

It sounds yuk. Before Christmas I did a plane flight and got that thing where the hearing goes in one ear. Took a couple of weeks to recover and was highly irritating at the start.

Back to 'normal' now !


At 5:35 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yaeli, get well soon. Glad to have you back. I don't know if you remember me but I have a new url.

At 6:53 am, Blogger Malinda777 said...

Get well soon. Here from Michele

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