Saturday, February 26, 2005

Birthday Sex: Better Late than never...

Guess who got laid last night?! *Giggles with a stupid grin on face*
My friend's brother messaged me at 3:30 this morning for a booty call. He said he wanted to make up for not coming to my birthday party. Yes, this is the same guy with whom I had the failed "where do we go from here" summit. And yes, this is the same guy who told me that last time would be our final fling. Woohoo! I am so glad that people are weak right now!

It had been a whole month... and that was 3 weeks and 6 days too long as far as I'm concerned. :o) But now the problem has been solved! I no longer have to hang my hopes on "ex - sex" sometime in may with a complicated man with possible Nicaraguan blood diseases. Yay for me!

Sleeping time now!


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