Monday, August 07, 2006

My shitty job...

I have the shittiest job on earth, both literally and figuratively.

On Saturday I went to work a morning shift at a private hospital up the road from my house. The nurses kindly allocated me 10 patients to assist, including one lady with gastroenteritis, but failed to give a complete handover, meaning that it wasn't until I asked why the patient had aprons and gloves right outside her room that someone told me that she'd had gastro.

The phrase "she'd had" implies that the gastro bout was over does it not. It doesn't indicate a current ongoing affliction.

Unfortunately for me, and for the sweet little lady, she had an "accident" and during the course of cleaning her up I got crapped on. Yes, that's right, some of her runny poo landed on me, and not just on my clothes!

Capping it all off is the fact that gastro is an airborne illness, so gloves and aprons weren't going to save me anyway.

The result of all this is that after 20 minutes spent in the bathroom, a shower and a drive on the porcelain bus, it is now 2:30am and I'm sitting in bed, blogging, because my stomach is doing the hokey pokey somewhere inside me. Hopefully my peppermint tea and some Stemetil will settle my sorry tummy so that I can get some sleep.

Once again I have returned from a holiday only to get sick, and I don't have my gorgeous man to nurse me. Sori long mi. :o( Below is another photo of my "nambawan assistant nurse blong Vanuatu".


At 4:14 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh, stomach doing yo-yos. I can relate to that. I was there yesterday. Hope the intestinal ping pon stops soon.

Michele sent me.

At 4:29 am, Blogger Midori said...

Hi from Michele's!

What a horrendous sounding day! I am really interested to read more of your blog..hope you don't mind me having a looka round!

At 4:52 am, Blogger Unique Designs from Zazzle said...

awww man. hope you get better soon. i've been dealing w/that myself all weekend and I never have gut problems

At 5:12 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi..from Michele's. First time visiting here and enjoyed looking around.
I see you're also an RN and I can relate to the patient incident you encountered. Had my share of
Congrats on your recent engagement and sure hope your tummy feels better soon.

At 5:21 am, Blogger MaR said...

Hi from Michele's, sweetie. It has been ages, I don't know if you remember me but I certainly remember you. Good luck and congrats on your engagement, keep us posted!

At 11:49 am, Blogger shpprgrl said...

I just did a post on dirty jobs a few days ago. After reading this story, I'm thinking if this story would've been shared you would've TOPPED them all. Icccky! You deserve a big big big raise! Hope your next few days are uneventful! :)

At 12:29 pm, Blogger Sandy said...

Ahh, crap. Oops, bad pun. Hope you're stomach is feeling better. How awful!

Michele sent me over to wish you well.

At 12:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I was in Mexico in June with a stomach full of nasties. I hope you get better and FAST. Hi from Michele's

At 2:23 pm, Blogger David Edward said...

yes that is a drag - thast why you are in school - so you can get another to do the dirty work, right ?

At 6:51 am, Blogger yellojkt said...

When my son had his appendix out he had the runs real bad. I would wipe him as much as I could, but the nurses or techs needed to clean the chamberpot and him.

Truly a gross but necessary job.

At 11:27 am, Blogger LBA said...

Ugh !!

I have such RESPECT for nursing-people-types.

At 4:57 am, Blogger utenzi said...

I hope you feel better real soon, Yaeli.

At 11:41 am, Blogger Star said...

I am always surprissed that nurses don't get sik more often.

At 12:23 am, Blogger Karen said...

Ooh, that is a nasty job. You are to be commended for doing it. I can't imagine how you do. It was difficult enough to handle my own kids. I wouldn't handle others' tummy troubles as well.

Back again from Michele's. Hope you're having a good day.

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